site updates archive :)
14th November 2024
- i'm really excited about this update!!! i made a shrines section to spotlight some of my fav beanies!!
- i have two shrines so far: bongo and inch :D i had a lot of fun making new graphics and collecting fun pictures
7th November 2024
- i made a sitemap! i really just wanted to see all my pages laid out - i have SEVENTY live pages!!
- i've rejigged the HOME menu a little to include the about me page, which i've updated with some more info and a nicer layout :D
2nd November 2024
1st November 2024
- goodbye halloween css!! back to soothing pastels again (though you miiight still see the halloween skin on a few pages...)
- i've been rootling around in the wayback machine again!!! there's three new oldweb artists you can check out
- with all the oldweb content i've found i wanted to rejig the WHOLE vintage/oldweb section of the site!! i renamed it oldweb and have made 'graphics' into 'artists'
- i still want to give credit to the artists of yore BUT i also have a lot of unattributed graphics to share, so soon i'll be going live with some new oldweb graphics pages :v
- and finally i've been working on some new games so look out for those soon!!
27th October 2024
- it took me a few days but i did it!!! i overhauled the animations page and expanded it into the NEW graphics section!!
- the graphics pages include graphics i've made AND!! my collections of graphics from other sources :D
- this has made some pages defunct - the animations page, the backgrounds page and the blinkies page. they all redirect to the new pages now!
- check out the new stamps i've been making, on the new stamps page!!
- and lastly, i finally got round to making a site icon!

26th October 2024
- i've been making things STICKY!! that is to say, the navbar is sticky now, so it's always there when you need it :V
- i'm working on a total rehaul of the art/graphics area!! for now, the new art index page is live :V
- new quiz!! i'm still working on the visuals but spot the beanie is ready to play!
21st October 2004
- quality of life improvements! i've been messing about in the code making things tidier.
- one huge improvement: pictures on lots of pages are now click-to-enlarge!!! try it out:
- that picture of teenie inch has been added, along with a lot of others, into the teenie beanies galleries!!
- and one more cool thing; I made a bunch of beanie baby dividers!! they are free to use and you can find them on the animations page (and slowly starting to appear on pages!!)
18th October 2024
- YES!! ANOTHER dress up game!! dress up a goth princess!!!
- with all of these dress up games (and maybe more to come) i decided to give them their own index page!
- also a bit of tidying up and neatening out some pages in the fun section :V
15th October 2024
- another dress up game!! it's a bit barebones (haha!) but you can dress up creepers the skeleton in some halloween gear :V
- new vintage graphics archive: deb's beanie world. all sorts of cool buttons, dividers and backgrounds from the oldweb!
- speaking of way back when, i added my collection of oldweb site awards
- and speaking of collections, I ALSO made a page for blinkies, stamps, buttons etc in the social tab! check out some cool blinkies i found:

12th October 2024
- been enjoying myself exploring neocities so there's a few new buttons on the links page
- new game!! dress up peace the bear with some cute cool fashion fits. i had SO MUCH FUN making this lil game I hope you like it!!!

11th October 2024
- big additions to the collections pages! I did a halloween photoshoot with all my halloween beanies and you can see them on these pages:
- beanie babies
- beanie boos
10th October 2024:
- HALLOWEEN RESKIN!!!!! i had fun spookifying the site >:3 tis the season!!

- check out the new backgrounds in the graphics section!
- more animations!!
29th August 2024:
- I've been making beanie quizzes on! these are now linked on the quizzes page
- there's some cool new graphics on the animations page, including these cool blinkies i made!
- a new game! swirly's slider is a sliding puzzle! the games index has been updated too
22nd August 2024:
- done a bit of tidying up! some empty areas/broken links have been fixed
- lots of new art!!! check out the new watercolours and digital art pages
- my beanie tumblr is very active rn! there's lots to see of both my own work and others
25th November 2023:
- new beanie babies collection - wild beanies! I had some fun in the backyard B)
- its a work in progress but I've started writing up my wishlist
- my computer is having some issues and i cant open a lot of programs, but hopefully I'll work out how to fix it soon and make some more gifs :B
20th November 2023:
- oops haiatus! I've been kicking about a bit on a few pages!
- it's full of placeholders, but I've put together the teenie beanie pages!
- new fun page - crafts!
15th September 2023:
- it's cats all over!
- new collection page: beanie baby cats!
- new adoptables!! I'm really, really proud of these :3

- see more kitties and different sizes on the adoptables page :D
- a new quiz AND a new game!! (wips!)
10th September 2023:
- new oldweb graphics archive! i found a cool treasure trove with robbi's graphics
- speaking of oldweb graphics, I've been collecting banners from old beanie sites!
- also the beanie babies collection index page is live! there's not much there but there are two (2) other pages to find!
7th September 2023:
- i figured out how to make items draggable *within* a div! looking forward to creating a toybox :D you can see a test version i made here
- adoptables!!!!!!! i'm still working on style but i made some pride-themed inches!!!
- i also made a new 88x31 button for my site!

5th September 2023:
- HUGE updates! i finally started creating my "collection" and "graphics" pages! have a click around and see when you can find :>
- check out my huge new homepage banner - all my own work from the photos to the coloured logos :D
- ive been making some fun gifs too! here's fetcher and spinner:

4th September 2023:
- this section was getting a bit big so I've created an updates archive (linked above) :>
- bubbles!!! everything's round now!
- new quizzes section! ive redon the quizzes! also two buggy games have been hidden for now
- i'm really pleased with this gif i made for the "vintage" drop down!

2nd September 2023:
1st September 2023:
- huge overhaul of colours and a new url!
- when i signed up to neocities i wasn't sure what i was gonna use it for, but now I'm making an exclusively beanies based site I wanted my url to reflect that
- i also desaturatred a lot of the colours across the site, its still a work in progresss but I'm inching (haha) towards a more pastel vibe :)
- i also made some buttons for my site! these are just a bit of fun but if you'd like to link to me feel free to use them :)
26th august 2023:
- i made a couple of new gifs today! check these out:

- see if you can find them on the site!
26th august 2023:
25th august 2023: